Integration That Puts Learning First

Harness Your Learner Data

Many organizations struggle to gain insights from their LMS platforms. Without visibility into learner progress, it’s difficult to optimize training programs over time. By integrating xAPI with your LMS, you can unlock the full potential of your learning data.

What are some of the challenges that organizations face today?

Lack of Visibility

Without LRS to aggregate xAPI data, there is no way to visualize or analyze organizational learning experiences.

Siloed Data 

Without integration, learning data remains fragmented across different systems. Making it hard to get a unified view of learning programs.

Compliance Risk

Lack of comprehensive data and reporting makes it difficult to prove compliance with regulatory training requirements.

How can we build a solution that addresses your needs?

1. Integration Planning

We work closely with you to map out your key learning systems and data flows.

2. API and xAPI Implementation

Connect the APIs of your various learning systems. xAPI tracking to capture learning experience data from all touchpoints.

3. Data Integration Hub

xAPI data is aggregated into a central Learning Record Store which acts as a hub for your learning data across systems.

4. Data Visualization

Continuously monitor data, identify optimization opportunities, and refine the learning experience.

5. Ongoing Optimization

Continuously monitor data, identify optimization opportunities, and refine the learning experience.


Quicker Time to Value



Data-Driven Improvements

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