Legacy training content can hamper the effectiveness of your learning and development initiatives. As technology and learning methodologies evolve, updating your training content becomes crucial. Let’s explore the top 5 signs that indicate your training content is due for a legacy conversion makeover.

1. Outdated technology and formats

Outdated technology and formats can pose a significant challenge for accessing and utilizing your training materials effectively. If your content is built on dated technologies like Flash or is incompatible with the latest devices and web browsers, a legacy conversion is crucial. By modernizing your content and making it compatible with various platforms, such as smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers, you can provide a seamless and frictionless learning experience tailored to the needs of today’s users.

There are several ways outdated technology can impact your training content:

  • Compatibility issues: As web standards and technologies evolve, older formats may not function correctly across all devices and browsers. These compatibility issues can lead to poor user experiences and reduced engagement with your content.
  • Security risks: Outdated technologies and formats may also pose security risks, as they may not have the latest security updates or patches. By updating your content to use modern, secure technologies, you can protect your organization and learners from potential vulnerabilities.
  • Maintenance challenges: Maintaining and updating content based on old technology can be time-consuming and costly. Transitioning to current technologies can streamline maintenance processes, making it easier to keep your content up-to-date and relevant.

During the legacy conversion process, you’ll need to address the following aspects:

  • Replacing deprecated multimedia formats: Modernizing your content involves replacing outdated multimedia formats with widely supported alternatives like HTML5. This ensures that your content adheres to current industry standards, remains future-proof, and delivers a seamless experience to learners on various platforms.
  • Optimizing for mobile devices: As mobile device usage continues to grow, optimizing your content for mobile compatibility is essential. This may involve implementing responsive design, ensuring that your content is easily accessible and user-friendly on smaller screens.
  • Integrating modern learning platforms: Transitioning to a modern Learning Management System (LMS) or other learning platforms can improve the overall learning experience by offering advanced features, analytics, and tracking capabilities.
  • Updating interactive elements: Modernizing interactive components, such as quizzes, simulations, and assessments, can enhance the learning experience and increase engagement. Leveraging the latest technologies and tools can make these elements more dynamic and immersive for learners.

By investing in a legacy conversion, you not only make your content more accessible and engaging, but you also future-proof your training materials, ensuring their ongoing relevance and effectiveness in the ever-evolving landscape of e-learning.

2. Declining learner engagement

Are your learners struggling to stay engaged with the training content? Dwindling engagement rates might signal that the material is no longer resonating with your audience. A legacy conversion can breathe new life into your content by incorporating multimedia elements, such as video, interactive simulations, and animations, that cater to diverse learning styles and boost engagement.

Outdated technology and formats can pose a significant challenge for accessing and utilizing your training materials effectively. If your content is built on dated technologies like Flash or is incompatible with the latest devices and web browsers, a legacy conversion is crucial. By modernizing your content and making it compatible with various platforms, such as smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers, you can provide a seamless and frictionless learning experience tailored to the needs of today’s users.

There are several ways outdated technology can impact your training content:

a. Compatibility issues: As web standards and technologies evolve, older formats may not function correctly across all devices and browsers. These compatibility issues can lead to poor user experiences and reduced engagement with your content.

b. Security risks: Outdated technologies and formats may also pose security risks, as they may not have the latest security updates or patches. By updating your content to use modern, secure technologies, you can protect your organization and learners from potential vulnerabilities.

c. Maintenance challenges: Maintaining and updating content based on old technology can be time-consuming and costly. Transitioning to current technologies can streamline maintenance processes, making it easier to keep your content up-to-date and relevant.

During the legacy conversion process, you’ll need to address the following aspects:

i. Replacing deprecated multimedia formats: Modernizing your content involves replacing outdated multimedia formats with widely supported alternatives like HTML5. This ensures that your content adheres to current industry standards, remains future-proof, and delivers a seamless experience to learners on various platforms.

ii. Optimizing for mobile devices: As mobile device usage continues to grow, optimizing your content for mobile compatibility is essential. This may involve implementing responsive design, ensuring that your content is easily accessible and user-friendly on smaller screens.

iii. Integrating modern learning platforms: Transitioning to a modern Learning Management System (LMS) or other learning platforms can improve the overall learning experience by offering advanced features, analytics, and tracking capabilities.

iv. Updating interactive elements: Modernizing interactive components, such as quizzes, simulations, and assessments, can enhance the learning experience and increase engagement. Leveraging the latest technologies and tools can make these elements more dynamic and immersive for learners.

By investing in a legacy conversion, you not only make your content more accessible and engaging, but you also future-proof your training materials, ensuring their ongoing relevance and effectiveness in the ever-evolving landscape of e-learning.

3. Inconsistent branding and design

Aligning your training content with your organization’s current branding and design guidelines is essential for maintaining a cohesive and professional image. Inconsistent branding and design in your training materials can negatively impact learner engagement, as it can create confusion and diminish the perceived value of your content. If you’ve recently undergone a rebranding process or updated your design standards, it’s vital to ensure your training materials reflect these changes. A comprehensive legacy conversion overhaul guarantees consistency across all your learning assets and provides an aesthetically pleasing, intuitive experience for learners and clients alike.

To address inconsistent branding and design during the legacy conversion process, consider the following strategies:

a. Synchronize visual elements: Ensure that your content’s visual elements, such as colors, fonts, logos, and graphics, are consistent with your organization’s branding guidelines. This not only creates a cohesive look and feel but also reinforces your brand identity and fosters a sense of familiarity among learners.

b. Streamline design templates: Standardize design templates across all your training materials to create a consistent and easily navigable learning environment. This involves developing and implementing templates for slides, text, images, and other content elements, making it simpler for your team to create new content that adheres to your organization’s design standards.

c. Improve user interface (UI) and user experience (UX): During the conversion process, you have the opportunity to enhance the overall user interface and user experience of your content. Focus on making the layout more intuitive, visually appealing, and user-friendly, which will contribute to a more engaging and satisfying learning experience.

d. Optimize content organization and structure: Review the organization and structure of your content to ensure it’s logical, coherent, and easy to navigate. Implementing a clear and consistent content hierarchy can help learners quickly locate the information they need and facilitate knowledge retention.

e. Incorporate responsive design: Adopt responsive design principles to ensure that your content is easily accessible and user-friendly on a variety of devices, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. This approach enables your content to automatically adjust its layout and design based on the user’s device, providing an optimal viewing experience regardless of screen size.

By prioritizing design consistency, usability, and branding alignment, you create a learning environment that encourages learner satisfaction, promotes knowledge retention, and reflects your organization’s professional image. A comprehensive legacy conversion overhaul can help you achieve these objectives, transforming your content and elevating the overall learning experience.

4. Inaccurate or obsolete information

Accuracy and relevance are critical components of effective training content. If your materials contain inaccurate, outdated, or obsolete information, it can significantly impact the learning experience and hinder the knowledge retention of your learners. Furthermore, outdated content can damage your organization’s credibility and lead to a decline in learner trust. It’s essential to periodically review and update your training materials to ensure they remain relevant, accurate, and valuable to your learners. A comprehensive legacy conversion overhaul provides an opportunity to revise, refine, and expand your content, keeping it in line with recent industry developments and best practices.

To address inaccurate or outdated information during the legacy conversion process, consider the following strategies:

a. Conduct a thorough content audit: Evaluate your existing training materials to identify inaccuracies, outdated information, and gaps in content. This audit should cover all aspects of your training materials, including text, visuals, references, and examples.

b. Update and revise content: Revise the identified outdated or inaccurate information to ensure it aligns with the latest industry standards, best practices, and regulations. This may involve updating statistics, facts, terminology, or theories, as well as modifying or replacing outdated examples and case studies.

c. Expand and enrich content: Take the opportunity to enhance and expand your content by incorporating new insights, trends, and developments in your field. This not only ensures that your training materials remain current but also adds depth and value to the learning experience.

d. Verify and validate resources and references: Ensure that all resources, references, and citations within your content are up-to-date, accurate, and reliable. Replace any outdated or broken links and consider incorporating new resources that are relevant and valuable to your learners.

e. Collaborate with subject matter experts (SMEs): Consult with subject matter experts in your industry to verify the accuracy and relevance of your content. SMEs can provide valuable insights, feedback, and recommendations to help you create content that is both current and comprehensive.

f. Establish a regular review process: Implement a systematic process for regularly reviewing and updating your training materials to ensure they remain accurate and relevant over time. This may involve setting up periodic content audits, monitoring industry developments, and staying informed about the latest trends and best practices.

By investing in a thorough content overhaul, you’ll position your organization as a reliable and up-to-date source of knowledge and expertise. This fosters trust and credibility among your learners, ensuring that your training materials continue to deliver a high-quality and valuable learning experience.

5. Inadequate accessibility and inclusivity

A crucial aspect of modern training content is ensuring accessibility and inclusivity for all learners, regardless of their abilities, backgrounds, or learning preferences. Inadequate accessibility and inclusivity in your training materials can hinder the learning experience for some individuals, resulting in missed opportunities for personal and professional growth. Addressing these issues during a comprehensive legacy conversion overhaul can create a more inclusive and accessible learning environment, allowing all learners to fully engage with and benefit from your content.

To enhance accessibility and inclusivity during the legacy conversion process, consider the following strategies:

a. Implement Universal Design for Learning (UDL): UDL is an educational framework that aims to create flexible, engaging, and accessible learning environments for all learners. Incorporate UDL principles into your content by providing multiple means of representation, expression, and engagement, catering to diverse learning styles and preferences.

b. Optimize content for assistive technologies: Ensure that your content is compatible with various assistive technologies, such as screen readers, speech recognition software, and text-to-speech tools. This may involve adding alt-text descriptions for images, using proper headings and lists, and incorporating closed captions and transcripts for audio and video content.

c. Simplify language and presentation: Use clear, concise language and avoid jargon or overly technical terms when possible. Present your content in a straightforward and organized manner, making it easier for learners to comprehend and retain the information.

d. Enhance contrast and readability: Optimize the visual presentation of your content by using high-contrast color schemes, readable font sizes, and clear typography. This ensures that your content is accessible to learners with visual impairments or reading difficulties.

e. Offer multiple formats and modalities: Provide your content in various formats and modalities, such as text, audio, video, and interactive elements. This enables learners to engage with the material in the way that best suits their learning preferences and abilities.

f. Foster a supportive and inclusive learning community: Encourage an inclusive learning environment by promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in your content, as well as fostering open communication, collaboration, and support among learners.

By prioritizing accessibility and inclusivity in your training materials, you create a more equitable learning environment that empowers all learners to succeed. A comprehensive legacy conversion overhaul can help you achieve this, transforming your content to meet the diverse needs and preferences of your audience.


Don’t let outdated or inaccessible content hold your organization back. Our team of experts is ready to help you transform your training materials into dynamic, engaging, and inclusive learning experiences that drive results. Contact us today to discuss your specific needs and discover how our legacy conversion, instructional design, and interactive design services can take your e-learning content to the next level. Together, we’ll create a future-proof learning environment that empowers your learners and elevates your organization’s success.

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